Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Top Half Finisher!

YES! my DAG worked this year and my time was officially recorded.

Official Position: (Equal) 3710th out of 7425!
Official Time: 1:09:05

Quite happy with that result! So what is the next challange, apart from trying to reach my goals for 5 and 10k and improving my CC time, I think I will aim for the Black Hill Challenge, Paradise/Athelstone. 12.5km Run from Thorndon Park Reserve 335m ascent on the 5th of November. Might need to get a few more training runs in the hills under my belt and conquer Spring Gully Road!

Went out this morning for a nice and easy 7km, didn't look at Garmy at all and just cruised around the neighbourhood in the warm morning air. Ended up taking 46:35 for the 7.1km, hopefully I pull up all right for tomorrows CC and can put in another good time!


2P said...

Always nice to be better than average :-)

Rachel said...

Where's Wally? I can't find you...

Anonymous said...

Well Done on your C2B time and placing. Good Luck with CC. Hope to see you at Black Hill Challenge, Spring Gully Rd watch out.

Wardman said...

mmmmm... Black Hill sounds interesting.....