Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Here's to beginnings II

So to start off my 101st post I decided to go back and look at my goals from my first post.

Goals to achieve this year.
Get Fitter.
Get Healthier.
Get Lighter. (currently 125kg, lost 5 kg since I started running but still haven't got a handle on that healthy eating lifestyle)
Complete the City to Bay in under 72mins.
Lofty Goal...complete a half marathon.

So what have I achieved.

I am now fitter, (well you have to be to run over 50k a week, but I feel I have lost a bit since those days).
This in turn makes me partially healthier, but my food intake is still disgraceful.
I am definitely lighter, averaging about 116kg on the scales at the moment
My lofty goal was not so lofty. I completed my first HM, it is the second one I am struggling with as my running since the first one has been stagnant and sporadic.
Which leaves 'Complete the City to Bay in under 72mins'. This is my main goal for the next couple of months, but first I have to beat the ITB curse. Hopefully I will start reaching some of my PB goals along the way before the year end.

Now, I said my food intake is still disgraceful, but it is far better than this time last year. I only have occasional relapses into stupidity, my diet at work is great (mostly fruit) it is just at home that I need to improve especially on weekends.

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