Edit I: OK Blogger BETA is cool! Will have more of a play tonight or tomorrow and add all the stuff that was in the old one (you have to update the template, but it saves a copy of the old one). I was planning some reworking of the template but this just makes it easier!
Edit II: Bugger! WTF
Unfortunately, you cannot post a comment on a non-beta blog or claim a mobile blog using your Google Account. These features are coming soon.Damn, what on Earth do I do now! Plus I don't think anyone without a blogger Beta account can comment on my blog. Please feel free to comment using the other if it doesn't work!
Edit III: for those using bloglines etc, my RSS feed has changed so you will need to re-subscribe.
Edit IV: OK editting the feel, look etc is SO EASY with this new beta blogger! you guys should all migrate! It is a bit scary though, I feel like I have fallen off the face of the blogging universe and no-one knows where to find me! hopefully they sort out this traditional blogger acount commenting soon because I feel lonely.
1 comment:
Don't panic! As a non-beta blogger I have worked out a way to leave comments, but it has to be either as anonymous or other.....
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