Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Well unless Ewen is a Beta Blogger I think normal bloggers can now post comments! (Though I tried this morning with my alternate normal blogger commenting account and it didn’t work?)
This morning I headed out to try a new route, having measured the distance all ready I knew that just adding the Velodrome loop to my normal 9k loop would make it over 12k so I ran directly there and then directly back through the backstreets as I did on Sunday for a total of 11.3km according to Garmy. It was a beautiful morning and running a couple of ks through parklands was a refreshing change and good for the spirit. Although I don’t really like weaving through back streets the quiet nature of the suburbs was also peaceful (except for the loud stinky garbage truck) compared to the trucks hustling and bustling along the main arterial roads. One of the main reasons I have not venture over Grand Junction rd previously is that I hate crossing main roads on runs if I can help it…for some reason I am fully against un-warranted stoppages ruining my training run, I think it was worth it this morning and I caught the lights too so no stopping for me!
In terms of pace, started out at over 7min/k working out the tired muscles from Sunday but had it cranked up at the end with steady 5:50 min/k splits.
Two more runs before next Sundays C2B. 7km tomorrow I think and then 5k on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Nope, just tried under my blogger account - no go :-( :-( :-(

And what is with the word verification? I can't make out a single bloody letter - I had to stand on the other side of the room to decipher it.....do they think I work for the national security or something?

Anonymous said...

Nope...didn't work sorry


Anonymous said...

Still, it is handy being able to post a comment as "other".

Anonymous said...

Didn't work for me either. I don't like running near main roads either. We're so lucky to have both the coast path and Centennial Park to run in.

Ewen said...

Yes, it works for me (and I'm not a beta blogger). Not sure what's going on there. Maybe it doesn't like girls ;)

Still don't like the 2 'security alerts'. Why do they have to do that!