Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just another day

Well motivation was down this morning and despite forgetting to turn on my alarm last night I woke up at 5:20am before having that eternal battle in the mind…will I get up…won’t I get up…do I really need to get up…I could sleep in an extra hour and half…I don’t really need to get up do I?...I can go for a run this evening after work…no honestly I will…all I need to do is reset my alarm….OK I’LL GET UP! The actual run itself wasn’t too bad, it started off very slow with short strides covering the first 2km in a touch over 14mins. Things started to tick over a little more down the back straight and by the time I got around to the home stretch I powered up the hill finishing the last 5km in 30mins. Now I am quite glad I got out of bed and hoping that tomorrow brings more speed than the opening 2km of this mornings little overture.


Spark Driver said...

I always appreciate that battle. Particularly after I have done the run and am back home cooling down. What a great staert to the day.

Louise said...

Hey - that's my line too! Only I don't have to get up quite so early. :-)

Don't worry about the slow 2km to start - let your body warm up in its own time. You'll have a better final 5km because of it...

PortRunr said...

I just try and remind myself that I've often felt bad for not getting up to go for a planned run, but I've never regretted it when I actually get up and do it. Good work on winning the battle!

Wardman said...

Well done on getting up & out, after that internal dialogue, regardless of the time/pace, you have already won!!

Have joined this blog caper and finally got down my progress from Feb to now (note to self - don't ever try to cover 6 months in one week again!D'oh!). A bit of a saga but wanted get it right for me. Have a look and tell me what u think.


LBTEPA said...

I always tell myself "you'll feel worse for longer if you don't get up than if you do" .
BTW your slow start is my usual speed LOL
thanks for the nice comment :)

R2B said...

Glad the real runner won in the end.
Well done!

RunDave said...

You have that battle at 5.20 in the morning? Man, it's more like 7 for me.

PS. Breast wasn't my answer, but it was the answer my female officemate gave.

teacherwoman said...

Nice job on getting out of bed! I really struggle with those morning workouts...now that I am leaving for work before 7am!

Thanks for the tunes! Much appreciated!