Friday, September 29, 2006

Finally some running action

Got home from work and went straight out for a velodrome loop yesterday afternoon. felt really cruisy for the first 4k, glad to be out there and going along like a real athlete... Then the two handfulls of mini cheesels I scoffed before heading out the door finally made it to my stomache and I had to grind out the next 4k waiting for the cramp to subside (really who leaves a bowl of cheesels lying around?). By the time I got to the hill up behind the velodrome the cheesels had been digested, though very painfully, and the boost of energy they gave me had powering home completing the 11.5k in 6min/k pace. After stretching etc moving around, I felt a slight twitch in the right hammy...hopefully nothing really, but there will be no running today...GO EAGLES!

September was a really good month for me, I got my mojo back and got in some decent runs following on from a month or two of injury.

Total number of runs was 16.
Total Kilometers was 157.3km (ave 9.83km per run) - my second biggest month...yay!
Total Time was 16:31:20 (ave 1:01:58 per run)
Average Pace per run 6:18min/k (fastest 5:19min/k)

#&*% $&^$ #%$& %*&^!

Damn stupid alarm!
Was all set for a 11.5k velodrom run this morning at 5:10am but when my alarm turned on, set to radio, nothing came out...hence I didn't wake till 6am...hence I didn't have time for a run...hence I now have the shakes (is this normal or is it just runners withdrawal?)...hence come rain hail or shine I will be out there tonight!...hence there will be another post run post.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Swimming with the fishes si.

Edited for Ewen's tired eyes :)

Felt like I had concrete shoes on this morning...

Last night I was late home from work due to a long conference call and therefore didn’t have time for a run before dinner. Instead I jumped on the bike for 15mins after dinner to warm up before doing some stretching and strengthening exercises and then half an hour of DDR. (PS if you don’t know what that is I am not telling you because you will only laugh.
Had planned the velodrome 11.5km run for this morning but a longer than usual internal battle (why does 1 late night affect my whole week) took place and I only had time for the 9k loop. Any hoo that loop was of course enough to tick over to the mega ton…1000Km this year (which was an un-stated goal for 2006). Running down the last hill my legs still felt like they were full of concrete and my mouth was stretched into a wide smile as Garmy ticked over 8.5km. No jumping up and down, or fist pumping (OK there might have been a satisfactory clenching or two). This week is definitely my taking it easy week for the month and my knees are still feeling a little tender following Sundays marathon (well almost half marathon anyway.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Well, that never ending mental battle was quick this morning, but not in favour of running, in favour of staying in bed. There were contributing factors of course, I had stayed up watching the Brownlow Medal Count and yesterday my knees were feeling a little tender from the 20k run on Sunday. My left hemisphere (which I like to call my lazy side) put this argument to my right hemisphere (which I like to call my running side) at 5:30am and the right hemisphere folded in about 2 seconds and I was dozing again. Won't be cracking the MEGA-ton this morning.
Wouldn't you know it though, after a nice warm shower, some peanut butter on toast and a glass of juice I was walking out the door and my legs felt great! Oh dear, what have I done the right side thought...guilt starting to build, while the left side caused half my face to contort into a smirk.
Now that the right side is in control again an afternoon run is all I can think to come up with a plan to get out of the house.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Crow Pain.

Today was LSD day and I concentrated on the S as this last week has been a little speedy and it was time for some L D. So after screaming myself hoarse at the football watching the eagles thrash the crows (scores were close due to inacuracy) I planned to run to the start of the dry creek trail I found a fortnight ago and then run down it and back.
Alas when I woke up at about 5am it was squally and raining which continued for an hour or so but when I had been awake for 10mins at 7:30 and it was all quiet outside I ventured out of the warm bed and into the morning gloom. It was still a bit windy but it wasn't raining and the clouds looked a little light so I trotted off at a slow pace (7min/km). Two things that I didn't take that inevitably made the run harder than it needed to be I think was my mp3 player and my hydration pack. It was 5.3km to the start of the trail and I only got drenched once, but damn it was chilly with the squally wind that came with it. I ran to the end of the trail (where I started a fortnight ago), but this time I did not get my feet wet across the crossing as I am quite sure I could have been swept off. Anyway I found there was a tunnel under walkley's road and although partially flooded I ran through and continued along the trail on the otherside. Before long Garmy was telling me I was getting closer to 10k so I decided to turn around (without hydration I thought it would have been a little silly to continue on). After getting back to the start of the trail I headed for the path behind the velodrome. Going up that long slow hill was torture as a gale force wind was whipping straight into my face. As I was approaching the top the feeling of needing to walk was almost overpowering but I shuffled on. With 2k to go the heavens opened up and the cold rain and wind re-invigourated the tired legs and I even ran a couple 100 metres past home to take Garmy up to 20k (as I thought all the effort was worth 20k)
Anyway after that ramble it was an LSD of 20k at 6:45min/k pace.
ooohh I just noticed my milage todate is 991.5k...I will crack the megaton (1000k on Tuesday!)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday Morning Ho Hum

Lay in bed for 4mins this morning contemplating how tired my legs were, but then remembered what I ate yesterday and snapped out of it. As it turns out I am still a bit of a speedy and instead of taking it easy on some tired legs, those same legs carried me around a reverse 9k loop in a course record 6min/k pace. Today I cruised Main North Road, Attacked the hill up Grand Junction, coasted down Hampstead road and then cruised home along Regency Road (attacking the last little bit down main north).

For those confused by my terms of effort:

Coasted = just ran comfortably - no exertion.

Cruised = tried to maintain a reasonable pace - minimal exertion.

Attacked = tried to maintain a fast pace - exerted myself.

Flat Out = Tried to maintain maximum pace - Full exertion (normal followed an overwhelming desire to regurgitate).

Now I feel the need to explain my love of the West Coast Eagles. From (edit 1985 to the end of 1989 thanks sis) I lived in a small country town in Western Australia called Carnamah. It is here... I was at a young and impressionable age and moving from NSW when the Eagles formed in late 1986 (playing there first game in the 1987 season) I became a supported and participated in eagles clinics etc when they came around.

Now if it league allegiances that you want to know, my state of Origin is NSW (Bourke to be exact) and I am a Manly Warringah Sea Eagles supporter, though enthusiasm for the game waned during the whole super league debacle.

Enough about non-running topics now...time to start planning a LSD for the weekend. :)

Edit: for those who still can't comment with normal blogger accounts - do you preview your comment before posting it? This is supposed to work damn it!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Self punishment

As a treat for not being able to run in the Corporate Cup yesterday I got up this morning a little after 5am for my second outing around the velodrome route. For some reason this route, so far, has brought out the speedster in me and I have completed it at 6:10 pace and now this morning 6:20 pace. For a training run this is fast for me. It must be the new route.
With the Black Hill run and the long lasting battle with Spring Gully Road at the forefront of my mind I belted up the hill behind the velodrome and then, as if that wasn't enough for the day, I changed the end of the route to include two more short hills. Damn those hills felt good. Maybe I will challange Spring Gully Road to a duel this if only I had a glove...
On non-related topics, my brother secured us tickets to the Eagles v Crows prelim final on saturday arvo. I just bought an Eagles Gurnsey on Ebay for $50 (probably not an official one but who cares?) I hope it arrives on Friday but I am doubtful but I will be able to wear it the following weekend for the GF! My brother is a Port supported so will be, not so much supporting the Eagles, more like badgering the hell out of the crows fans.
Enough about football.
I don't know what it is, but now that I have successfully smashed my main goal for the year, nay, my whole reason for existing/running, I have been injected with a renewed, fervent need to run and train...what for? The Black Hill challenge isn't a real goal, I just whimsically threw it out there...I would like to smash Spring Gully Road though (have I said that enough yet?). Now I suppose reflecting back on my long term goals the next big thing is getting a marathon under my belt...August next year I am thinking. (I'll then worry about going under 4hrs to qualify for six foot track). So why the renewed vigor for running? Acheivement of a year long goal does wonders for the confidence and I suppose now I am base building. Between now and August '07 I want to remain injury free and run 2 Half Marathons (hopefully sub 2hrs).

Oh yeah, I am still to get a decent running picture to stick in my profile...that can be another goal.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Well, it was a let down. After a vendor turned up late due to delays in Melbourne Airport I was ket busy till after 3 in the afternoon and could not make it out to the CC today :(
Now what do I do?
I think the best thing is to get up and go for a 12k run in the morning!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Top Half Finisher!

YES! my DAG worked this year and my time was officially recorded.

Official Position: (Equal) 3710th out of 7425!
Official Time: 1:09:05

Quite happy with that result! So what is the next challange, apart from trying to reach my goals for 5 and 10k and improving my CC time, I think I will aim for the Black Hill Challenge, Paradise/Athelstone. 12.5km Run from Thorndon Park Reserve 335m ascent on the 5th of November. Might need to get a few more training runs in the hills under my belt and conquer Spring Gully Road!

Went out this morning for a nice and easy 7km, didn't look at Garmy at all and just cruised around the neighbourhood in the warm morning air. Ended up taking 46:35 for the 7.1km, hopefully I pull up all right for tomorrows CC and can put in another good time!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Race Report - City to Bay 2006

The Preperation - Spent last night watching my beloved eagles smash a lack lustre bulldogs eating all the wrong things, sausage rolls, wedges, cocktail frankfurts, chips, cheese. I restrained myself to 1 beer and 6 glasses of water, In bed not long after midnight.
I got dropped off at a friends house at 7am about a kilometer from the start and walked down in the warming morning was going to be warmer than last year. Caught up with Sunni at the start lookng to go around 55mins I think, then Wardman joined me and the crowd swelled. Snaps to the organisers for seperating the runners and walkers. It took about 5 mins to get to the start line once the gun had gone and then we were away, I started with a guy from work, Wardman and his friend. The guy from work took off ahead and Wardman and co followed up beind me.
I took it easy for the first k, just thinking how smooth this start was not having to jump around walkers and squeeze past them. I voiced this out loud and a woman running next to me said she was just thinking the same thing. The first K went by and it was a little slow so I stepped on the gas a little, a bit overzealously though, not wanting to lose the gay from work in the crowd up ahead.
I was starting to feel a bit thirsty but at the first drink station the tables were 3 deep so I forged on swapping to the partially shady side of the road. I counted down the metres to the next drink station and grabbed 2 drinks - one for the head and one for me. Taking a couple of gulps I ran on - unfortunately the water did not agree with me and I was soon feeling quite off-colour and the sun was starting to get to me.
5k to go and I was having an eternal battle as my pace was slipping out to greater than 6min/k. I really wanted to walk, and I mean really really wanted to walk...there is always next year I kept thinking and I had lost the guy from work somewhere in the distance. The only thing that kept me going then was the shame of having to take a walk break this year when I ran the whole way last year. Don't be stupid I told myself, if you did it last year you can shaw as hell do it today!
At the last drink station the water was only for my head - 2 cups. and when I looked up and got back into stride, there was the guy from work not far up on the right, I increased the pace a little and had caught and overtaken him by 2k to go.
From there I cruised to the finish just trying to go with the flow without the need for a flashy sprint finish.
I got a shout of "GO COOLRUNNER" with a couple hundred metres to go but could only manage a thumbs up over my shoulder, round the bend and over the finish line in 1:15:xx gun time...stopping the watch at 1:08:59...avoiding the girl doubled over vomiting and throught the throng, aahh. Goal Acheived! I think If I had run a smarter race I could have dropped a minute off the time but what can you do? bring on sub 60mins next year!

Comments about the much better than last year, 3 gold stars to organisers. Passing 6km the announcer was explaining to the waiting mass of walkers that when they think about the people going past, hey I can walk faster than that, then that is when he will let them start! Fantastic, no new wave to deal with...


See if you can spot me...Finish Line

Friday, September 15, 2006

unnofficially flat out

It was the last run before Sunday this morning and I decided to go reasonably flat out, as fast as I could, to the limit of my capacity...over my usual 5km route. I don't remember the last time I did this so though I think I might have run 29mins. I have never run a 5k race so my PB is taken from the first 5k of my 2nd 10k race and was 28:27. Today I "sprinted" around for a route PB and an un-official 5km PB of 27:00 mins...wooohoooo! getting closer to that goal. So average pace was 5:24, and my splits were from memory (will confirm later) 5:58, 5:40. 5:30, 5:06, 4:35. As you can see from this and my 10k PB splits I like to go out at a reasonable pace and then build up the speed finishing in a flurry of legs, arms and heavy breathing with that "I feel like vomiting" feeling in my throat.
More later...maybe some pretty graphs and Garmy splits etc.

Edit: Just as I predicted:

Splits actually were 5:55, 5:41, 5:26, 5:09, and 26:49 for the 5km on garmy.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


This morning I had an internal battle on my hands which lasted 6mins before I got out of bed. The deciding factor was the apparent warm nature of the air and outside it was lovely and mild. The sunrise this morning was also spectaculer, lovely deep red then orange. I creaked around my usual 7km route on a much needed recovery run and will only do another 5k on Friday before the C2B on Sunday. I am feeling quite worn out so the resting will do wonders and I can be fresh for Sunday.

On Blogger related matters, I can't seem to find anywhere to email blogger about my commenting problems. For some magical reason Ewen is the only one that can comment using a normal blogger acount? What is he doing special I don't know, and I beleive the security alerts are because they have switched to a google account for greater security esp. with third party applications or is all techy speak to me. It is interesting though the different ways in which people have left comments, Coolrunning Personal Messages (PMs) emails through the cool running forum etc. Thanks for caring.

Wardman, in terms of the SA Walks book, it is ok as a reference to lots of different runs, the maps aren't great there is lots of historical/touristy information. If I was looking for something specific eg heyson trail or other then I would probably get a specialised book/map/pamphlet. It is ok for little local trails and others around the state.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Well unless Ewen is a Beta Blogger I think normal bloggers can now post comments! (Though I tried this morning with my alternate normal blogger commenting account and it didn’t work?)
This morning I headed out to try a new route, having measured the distance all ready I knew that just adding the Velodrome loop to my normal 9k loop would make it over 12k so I ran directly there and then directly back through the backstreets as I did on Sunday for a total of 11.3km according to Garmy. It was a beautiful morning and running a couple of ks through parklands was a refreshing change and good for the spirit. Although I don’t really like weaving through back streets the quiet nature of the suburbs was also peaceful (except for the loud stinky garbage truck) compared to the trucks hustling and bustling along the main arterial roads. One of the main reasons I have not venture over Grand Junction rd previously is that I hate crossing main roads on runs if I can help it…for some reason I am fully against un-warranted stoppages ruining my training run, I think it was worth it this morning and I caught the lights too so no stopping for me!
In terms of pace, started out at over 7min/k working out the tired muscles from Sunday but had it cranked up at the end with steady 5:50 min/k splits.
Two more runs before next Sundays C2B. 7km tomorrow I think and then 5k on Friday.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Proper Entry

Now that I am not feeling so tired I will recount Sunday's run in more detail:

So after reading the walking book I bought Saturday I set off in search of some suburban trails. The plan was to run around to the end of the trail and run back along it for a total of 15km. I wasn’t planning to take any water so this run was going to be an easy LSD at about 7min/km. it was 7km to the end of the trail, which runs along dry creek through what is known as the Yatala Labour Prison because prisoners used to quarry along the creek. The trail was awesome! As soon as I got down into the gully, away from civilisation, my legs took over and my pace dropped to almost 6min/km. I even got to run across a weir with two inches of water running over it (there was an alternate board walk route but where is the fun in that…I wouldn’t have got my feet wet) at the end of that section of the trail, Bridge Rd, instead of turning for home to complete the 15km I continued across to see where dry creak went. It wasn’t too interesting and when the track veered away from home and across the creek I turned for home. Luckily I seemed to be following the Levels to City Bike route. Knowing that this runs close to my house I followed the signs through the back streets and soon came to another trail/path through parklands/paddocks past the velodrome…awesome I have been looking for this (not seriously obviously because it wouldn’t have been that hard to find) it ended with a long slow climb back up to Grand Junction Rd, where I decided to keep following the bike route through the backstreets until I got home with Garmy reading 17km.
What a great run! I had my mp3 player with me but never felt the need to turn it on, didn’t even feel dehydrated either, which was a surprise. This exploring has now set me up for two new runs, a 15km half trail run and a 10km extended loop (I will have to check google maps first to get the distance right.) a third possible run is to do a figure 8 incorporating the two hills for some hill training so I can beat spring gully road! Running up to Hampstead rd along Grand Junction as per normal but then circling around and running up the velodrome track, basically running up the same hill twice from different directions. Will save this one for later as now I had better take it easy before the city 2 bay next Sunday…hope the weather is as good!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Under Construction

Still rejigging the blog playing with the new features and haven't had much time to read other blogs.
Quick run-down of weekend.
Eagles lost...BAH!
End of Fashion and The Living End rocked!

While sauntering around some outdoor shops on Rundle St on Saturday I came accross a book called Walks SAand bought it. This morning I set out from home at an easy pace to find one of them, with the promise of a 3.5km long trail. Well I found it and it was great! Who knew there wasa trail 4km from home! I think I could incorporate into a 15km run, 4km to the start, up and back on the trail and then home. That is a 15km run with 7k on trails!
Also did a little bit of exploring after running the trail and found another nice path which I had heard existed but never found! I might include it into my usual 9km loop to make it around 10km.
So instead of doing 15km as planned today it ended up being 17km at 6:40 pace.
More later. When I am not distracted by the reconstruction of my blog.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Running Log Book





































































































Friday, September 08, 2006


I just made the switch to Blogger Beta! I am scared...I hope everything went OK, and nothing was lost...should have backed up...but I was to check to make sure everything is OK!

Edit I: OK Blogger BETA is cool! Will have more of a play tonight or tomorrow and add all the stuff that was in the old one (you have to update the template, but it saves a copy of the old one). I was planning some reworking of the template but this just makes it easier!

Edit II: Bugger! WTF
Unfortunately, you cannot post a comment on a non-beta blog or claim a mobile blog using your Google Account. These features are coming soon.
Damn, what on Earth do I do now! Plus I don't think anyone without a blogger Beta account can comment on my blog. Please feel free to comment using the other if it doesn't work!

Edit III: for those using bloglines etc, my RSS feed has changed so you will need to re-subscribe.

Edit IV: OK editting the feel, look etc is SO EASY with this new beta blogger! you guys should all migrate! It is a bit scary though, I feel like I have fallen off the face of the blogging universe and no-one knows where to find me! hopefully they sort out this traditional blogger acount commenting soon because I feel lonely.


Yesterday I was feeling a bit flat and mentally drained when I got home from work, so after laying on the couch for ½ hour we trundled up to Pizza Hut and got Pizza, they stuffed up our order too, so when I returned after the 15mins wait the duty manager said there would be she went and checked on our order.  From the conversation I overheard they got the toppings wrong and so 25mins after ordering we ended up with a free garlic bread and thanks to a snide comment or two about how long 15mins was a free 1.25L drink too.  Dinner did perk me up a bit, refuelling some enthusiasm so I jumped on the stationary bike for a ten minute warm up then did some stretches and strengthening exercises etc following that up with some more exercise biking.  I looked into getting the Pilates for Runners et al that Ellie raves about as a form of structured cross training thingy.


This mornings run was 10k.  I set my alarm 5mins earlier to fit in the extra k then normal and only had half the internal fight as last time, also forgot my CR wonder I felt naked.  Finished the 10k at a little under 6:30 pace in 1hr4mins.  An easy run and when I stopped for a cool down walk to the end of the block it felt as though I had barely run a km.  I am unsure as to whether I like this feeling or not.  Does it mean I am getting fitter? Or does it mean I took the run too easy and it had no benefit, I should have done more or gone faster?  I suppose in the end I think it is how you are supposed to feel after an easy run.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Corporate Cup - Run 3

Run 1 - 24mins36sec - 5:41 pace
Run 2 - 24mins30sec - 5:40 pace
Run 3 - 23mins01sec - 5:19 pace (THAT's WHAT I'M TALKING 'BOUT!)

Well, third corporate cup run today and after my success at the Adelaide Marathon 10K and subsequent thoughts I was fired up to give this one a decent crack! Made sure a did a few little warm up 300m or so. Started out by myself in windy conditions, a head wind for the first half a lap and tail wind for the back half. I went out easy for the first couple hundred metres and then turned up the speed to what I thought was a good pace, especially into the wind. First kilometre ticked by in 5:30min…right where I wanted to be. Added incentive on this run was that my closest rival in terms of pace started 1min behind me so everytime I turned a corner I could see how far behind, or closer he was. Second k ticked by in 5mins flat…good effort with the wind - now in a good position to get my target time and through the first lap in
11:30 1min faster than the last two runs. Now all I need to do that first lap again I kept telling myself, but around the first bend and I could see the guy chasing me was closer than the first lap…damn and that bloody wind. First k of the second lap ticked by. In 5:15min, YES! Better than the first lap definitely in for a good time now. As I was starting to over heat charging home around the back half the heavens opened and a nice cooling shower came down, that was enough to spur me through another 5min kilometre and over the finish line in 23mins1sec…damn didn’t break 23mins…but still 1min30sec PB. Now that is more like the time I thought I should be doing…now how do I improve that! Oh yeah, must have blown off the guy chasing too as he finished 1min30sec behind (30sec slower overall).

Might add splits here later…when I get home.

Split (km)

Run 1

Run 3



















Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just another day

Well motivation was down this morning and despite forgetting to turn on my alarm last night I woke up at 5:20am before having that eternal battle in the mind…will I get up…won’t I get up…do I really need to get up…I could sleep in an extra hour and half…I don’t really need to get up do I?...I can go for a run this evening after work…no honestly I will…all I need to do is reset my alarm….OK I’LL GET UP! The actual run itself wasn’t too bad, it started off very slow with short strides covering the first 2km in a touch over 14mins. Things started to tick over a little more down the back straight and by the time I got around to the home stretch I powered up the hill finishing the last 5km in 30mins. Now I am quite glad I got out of bed and hoping that tomorrow brings more speed than the opening 2km of this mornings little overture.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Spring Gully Rd v Simlin, 3-0

Yep, that is right I tussled with the dreaded Spring Gully Rd again yesterday and it beat me again but more of that later.

First to Saturday, got up and had a hit of tennis with the brother. I don’t know what was going on there, I lost my second ever set of tennis to him (the first was after a trip to the dentist when I couldn’t feel half my face. I went down in the first 6-3. OK now I was mad and suddenly my mind went from a sieve to a 316 stainless steel bowl, focusing wholly and squarely on not repeating that performance. Finished him off 6-0, 6-1 now that is more like it! Following tennis it was back to my house for a late brunch and then into the city, Rundle St markets and movies. We saw Thank You for Smoking, very amusing, I would rate it 4 Stars.

Saturday night Miss Simlin and I met up with a group of people from my work at a Greek restaurant and feasted on meat, meat and more meat before heading to Thebby Theatre for a Gig. Tonight it was Eskimo Joe supported by Josh Pyke. Eskimo Joe sounded pretty tight and performed well, I must say though that I like their last album better than their new one but even then it still isn’t high on my playlist. I am holding out for The Living End, End of Fashion and the Red Riders next weekend…now THAT should be good!

Now onto yesterday, headed up to the Hills at about 2:30pm feeling a little worse for wear with DOMS from the previous days tennis exploits and was out on Old Mt Barker road shortly after that. There was some light drizzle around but the fresh mountain air always gives me a natural high. After 10mins the high had been replaced by a low in the depths of my stomach as lunch started to rear its ugly head and by the time I reached the start of Spring Gully Rd my mind had lost all focus on the task ahead and had turned inward to the growing feeling of regurgitation. Needless to say Spring Gully Rd won this bout very easily but I will return again another day with the determination to run this 5.8km loop without walking up Spring Gully Rd before years end. I have also heard whispers of a longer steeper hill, but it will have to wait until I have scaled Spring Gully Rd and can call it my Be-yatch!

Finished the day with a long soak in a hot bath listening to some soothing tunes from Van She and Epicure.

Friday, September 01, 2006

this morning + musings

Started September with a 9k run in the early hours of the morning and I guess my legs have finally got the message that I want to go slow because today it felt like I was running in slow motion. It was a feeling of every move being heavy and laden while taking an eternity for the legs to turn over.

Pseudo-running-related gossip:
I have witnessed the birth of two types of running personalities over the last couple of weeks,

Person 1: Probably used to be an OK runner (by ok I mean running at less than 5min/km pace) but now is about 6min/km pace, likes to talk up how fast they once were and boast about the training they are doing. Which incidentally is 2 runs a week for a total of 15-20km. How do I deal with this, just nod and smile, say “that’s great” and don’t divulge anything about my training because if they beat me I don’t want them rubbing in my face how good they are.

Person 2: Complains no end about not being able to run 2.2km non-stop but doesn’t seem to take on any advice I offer, Is it because I don’t look like a runner? Because I am on the heavy side? How do I deal with this, just ignore the complaining and don’t offer anymore advice.

Edit: ok better put a positive one in...person 3: knows I am into running so asked my advice about how to get faster over 4.3km on 2 runs a week. I told them do a long run and a speed session, they were all ready doing fartlek like runs. They took my advice on board and implemeneted it in his own way. Better than the personal trainer who said "you want to get faster? just jump on the treadmill and go flat out all the time!"...welcome to Injury Town - population you.

I guess the best thing to do with running lately is that corporate cup has started which has gotten a lot more people from work thinking about running and talking about running. This goes back to one of the reasons I started this blog…no-one I know is a runner, jogger or would even contemplate running in a fun run, or consider running "fun". Therefore I started my blog to have a conversation with myself (and obviously you, if you are reading this) because there was just no-one else to talk to about running related news/issues/training…or chit chat. LONG LIVE THE BLOG!