Friday, March 10, 2006

Thinking Long Term

Well, after reading about the Six Foot track, I have established a long term goal/plan.
2006 Goal: Finish Half Marathon. (hopefully at least twice)
2007 Goal: Finish Marathon. (hopefully at least twice)
2008 Goal: Finish Six Foot Marathon. (hopefully before cut-off)

These seem lofty goals for a newbie to running, but when does the transition from “beginner” to “runner” occur. I am hoping that it is upon successful completion of a HM, if not, a marathon, still a way to go then. With these new goals, it certainly was a motivator, it took so much self control this morning to hold myself to a 5km slow recovery jog. My mind was racing around and around with…lets just go another 7km again, or keep pushing out to 9km this morning and then that little, reasonable, steadying voice said “NO, don’t be an idiot, there will be time for that later but if you push it too much now, you will burn out or get injured.” My friend reason, or is it my enemy? Is it holding me back from going further and or faster? Patience. That is my game now.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

hi, I know exactly what you mean. I wanted to run Thursday, but couldn't. I wanted to run more then 3K last night, but couldn't. I want to run today, but I need to remind myself that my race is on Sunday! I'm doubting there will be any PB tomorrow..we will be running in a blizzard.

I'll join you in the half marathon distance goal for this year. I may not do it in a race, but I'm going to run that distance at least twice this year. I'll let you know about the marathon next year though..think mine might be 2 years out.