Left Side of brain: Lets do a Tempo Run.
Right Side of brain: Yeah that's a good idea.
My first real tempo run. This was a watchless tempo run and by watchless I mean that I didn't turn the backlight of my Garmin on and so resisting any temptation to look at it. Went out on the warm up 2km at a steady but not too slow pace (Garmin afterwards gave a 6:50 split for first 1km, 6:30 for second) started to wind it up over the next 3km ending with a 5:30 km split. Then there was the fun part, the two Ks back home with two hills. Lesson Learnt: If you are going to run harder than normal don't expect to find hills easy. I though I wasn't going to make it up the second one, needless to say I felt I was jogging on the spot for a while (When in actual fact I did 6:20 splits which is quite respectable for me over 7km but how was I to know that...I couldn't see my watch!)
Left Side of brain: That was great, can't wait to do it again.
Right Side of brain: I am tired, can we go back to bed?
In response to someone's comment (sorry I can't remember who it was and I am emailing this in) I have looked at a ½ Marathon Training Schedule, in fact I have looked at many and various ones, I have then taken all that in and devised my own hybrid training regime that I feel confident can achieve me my short term goal of just completing a half marathon. After that I will probably look at some sort of official training regime with speed work etc to improve on my "just out there to finish" times. If this is all going to work or not, I don't know, but at the moment I feel great, am injury free and highly confident of finishing 2 half marathons in May!
You may of found the hills hard this time, but you might find it easier at the same pace next time. Pushing yourself a little bit extra = improvements.
wow - sounds like you are improving ridiculously fast! I am thinking of making up my own programme too - but perhaps that is just an excuse not to focus??? :) good luck with it - I will be following your progress to the May half maras closely!
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