Friday, November 10, 2006

Woof! You Bloody Choir.

Sorry, stole the title. (apologies to Augie March)

The title comes from running down Main North Rd in the pre-dawn light, when even McDonald's windows are dark, and the only company you have is the car yard guard dogs. Main North rd is like one long car yard, and every one has at least one Rottweiler or German Shepherd, some have 2 or even one of each. Some mornings they are either too sleepy or I don't smell so bad and there is silence. While other mornings, like this morning, I set the first one off and then for the next km there is constant barking and gnashing of teeth, even from the other side of the road. Each guard dog decides to say hello in a friendly way and then Back Off Bitch! in an unfriendly way while baring teeth. Maybe it was my Movemeber Mo which made me look like a criminal this morning?
Not a great photo, but it was taken before 7:30am and I don't have my happy face on yet :).
Though I should, because our mortgage broker called at 8pm last night to tell us that our loan was going to be approved! Now we just need to get the paper work from the financial institution.
Yay, I am a home-owner (*he says in as serious a voice as he can muster*) of course if you are reading this you are most welcome to the housewarming!
Anyway, to todays run, seeing as I only have a month left running in Enfield, I decided to go over an old route that I haven't done in a while, so it was 9k in 55mins. Following the run I did my usual 15mins of stretching, minus the T-zone / abdominals have not yet forgiven me for that devilish pilates work-out...what they don't know is that I am planning on giving it another go on Sunday evening...muhahahaha (*he laughs, an evil laugh, while going into a deliriously happy state of insanity*)


Lulu said...

The mo's coming along nicely! Congrats on the home ownership.

Gronk said...

Your starting to look like a character out of Pulp Fiction with that Mo. :)

Sekhmet said...

Congratulations on the approval! Just let us know the date and we'll be there ;-)

2P said...

No wonder the guard dogs go off!

Nice run and congrats on the loan.

Ewen said...

Are you sending your readers airline tickets?

When you shave the Mo off, the doggies will yawn and go back to sleep.

Spark Driver said...

Whoops. Didn't realize I stumbled into "Chopper" Reids blog.

LBTEPA said...

congratulations homeowner!
I think you and sparkdriver are competing for who looks the scariest with a mo LOL

Wardman said...

That photo reminded me of the "I'm here to clean ze pool" ad that was running for a while. Great work!
Congrats on house, mileage and movember, you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Congrats or comiserations depends which way u look at on the home loan. Sorry to hear that the Mo is sad. Happy trails from the new house. When is the house warming?

PS Black Hill is HARD