Friday, November 24, 2006

And this one is for 2P

Well, where have I been?
Squeezed in the Pilates DVD on Tuesday morning, then at 11:45am BAM! head, nose and through get hit simultaneously in a surprise raid by an army of angry germs, no warning...very Pearl Harbour'esc. Needless to say, no run Wednesday morning, or work for that matter. A lot of time spent on the couch, or in bed. Thursday, feeling over the worst of the attack, ventured back to work, disgusted in the fact that I have to miss the start of the ashes on TV. By yesterday evening I could feel the germs trying to fight there way down into my chest, hopefully I have some strong defence now built up there and they won't be able to get a foot hold leaving me free to do a light run on the weekend! yay.


2P said...


Rachel said...

That is a gross mo dude!
This cold is spreading through the blog lines I'm sure.

Ewen said...

I'm not sure about the sculptured look...

Germs hate running, so get out there!