Sunday, November 05, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Who said anything about a lazy Sunday?
Didn't go in the Black Hill Challange. If I had woken up in time I might have considered it, but instead I awoke at 8am and set out to just do a loop of the horse paddock and back (10km). Well that went out the window, once again my auto-pilot had other ideas, which involved running past the horse paddock and down to the Torrens, along the Torrens to Lower Portrush road and then up to hampstead and home. It was a route I mapped out a very long time ago but have never done. Till today. Overall it was about 14.5km and I finished it in 1hr35mins. When I stopped to have a walking warmdown to the end of the block and back as usual my right ITB was very tight, so taking extra time on each of my routine stretches it now feels ok, but I won't be running tomorrow, two days in a row over 12k was how I set it off last time as I recall. Mmm stupid me.


2P said...

I could be wrong.... but sounds like someone needs a running goal...

Good on you for keeping on keeping on - how's the mo?

teacherwoman said...

Nice job!

RunDave said...

Yeah how's the Mo? How is everyone at work treating you? Most people at my work have been pretty supportive.