Monday, November 20, 2006

This one's for SD

This one is for you SparkD Thanks for the donation. The second time around I have gone for the big "Chopper" style Mo. Actually it is just a goatee with the middle bit shaved off.
2P - I generally weigh myself in the mornings before going for a run too...I just don't record it, so I have a pretty good idea about where I actually am. I also play the game where I predict what I will weight at the end of a run, I generally lose between 1.0 and 1.2kg for a 7-10km run.
Confession time...goals were thrown into dissarray yesterday...over eating on cheese and gourmet sausages and rissoles at a Christening BBQ and then was just feeling too lethargic for a bit of pilates. In fact I have been feeling really rundown lately...maybe my iron levels are low, seems to be the popular thing. I will go home tonight and eat a nice juicy steak wrapped in spinach.


2P said...

That frightens me everytime it comes up on bloglines - but then I'm easily scared.

Nice work.

Ewen said...

You could slap it around a bit and eat it raw - just like Chopper.

Hang in there with the variety of exercise - sounds like a good plan. And, don't cheat!

Unknown said...

hey Simlin. Was it easy to switch to beta? Do you recommend it? How did you do it?