Sunday, June 25, 2006

when in doubt...clip...

I wise person said this to me once (well it was only 5 mins ago) "when in doubt...clip..." but the advice came too late for on particularly long toe. Adding this now to Lesson's Learnt #3. If your toenails look long, they are long and you should clip them, of course unless you are trying to slice a toe in half. Needless to say 6k into a 9k run this morning I had to remove my left shoe to rearrange my toes through a bloodsoaked coolmax sock. Run was good though, not too much niggle and a faster than expected time 54min24sec, almost 6min/km, wasn't really watching the clock, just out for a cruise, and pushed it up the hill to the beat of a good song. probably was a pb for that particular training route but I haven't checked yet.
Was in the hills yesterday but didn't manage to get out and challange spring gully road, instead spent all afternoon and into the wee hours in front of a bonfire scoffing down damper, marshmellows, baked potatoes, rissoles and boler roasts all cooked on the coals...I was a good boy though and didn't down too many alcoholic beverages. It was great to sit around a roaring blaze has been a while. Needless to say my belly was feeling a little heavy this morning, or maybe just fueled up for a good run?
Going out shopping now, probably come back with some running stuff :). All ready bought some sportshield online just now, just warming up the plastic.


Mandy said...

Wow..that is it was a woman...a highly intelligent Canadian perhaps?

Rachel said...

I'm feeling completely grossed out by the last two posts. Long toe nails and nipple chaffing. Sorry, but I have neither of these problems. 1. I cut my toenails and 2. wear a sportsbra!

PortRunr said...

Yeah man, follow your sister's fine example ;)
Gee, how did Mandy describe herself??!! lol

Spark Driver said...

I have to admit that I don't normally know my toe nails need clipping till I go out for a run.

I am using Sportshield at the moment and find it better than Bodyglide. You will be racing around in those sexy running short shorts in no time.