Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Beginner Program

I have been set a challenge. If I can get Miss Simlin to run 5k comfortably by September then she will run the 6km at the City to Bay Fun Run. So it begins.
One simple rule - she must do the minimum 3 scheduled training workouts a week. So I have 12 weeks so I turned to CR for advice and came up with this:

Wk 1 : Run 2mins Walk 4mins, repeat sequence 5 times, total time 30 mins.
Wk 2 : R3 W3, rpt 5, tt 30
Wk 3 : R5 W2.5, rpt 4, tt 30
Wk 4 : R7 W3, rpt 3, tt 30
Wk 5 : R8 W2, rpt 3, tt 30
Wk 6 : R9 W2, rpt 2 then R8, tt 30
Wk 7 : R9 W1, rpt 3, tt 30
Wk 8 : R13 W2, rpt 2, tt 30
Wk 9 & 10 : R14, W1, rpt 2, tt 30
Wk 11 & 12 : R30

or there is the Couch to 5k on the american CR. Don't know which one is better really, or if there is a better one out there. The couch one is 9 weeks, which would leave time for running the extra km, but I think the slower one above may be advantageous (because it is slower and there is room in the last two weeks to increase distance)

Today we did a 5 min walk followed by 4 R2, W4, then some stretching all up a total of 35mins. Covering 4km. Not a bad start and good rest for my niggling leg. (According to Sportstracks my shoes have done 160km, maybe they are the wrong shoes?)

Now to draw up a wall calender training schedule for the fridge...should include my own training on alternate days to cover the distance for my HM in August.


Rachel said...

I reckon you should stick to the program you've listed. You can always modify it as you go.

Mandy said...

Hey Sim...the program at my store does 1 to 1, then 2 to 1, 3 to 1, etc...got me hooked, and it's easier then full out.

Spark Driver said...

Good luck. I hope she stays motivated. Mayb a his and her blog for inspiration?

miners said...

you're right - that's a great start, and should have you well on your way to the Missus' 5km race.

So what shoes are you using which you suspect may be causing you problems mate?