Yesterday arvo after the morning debarkle I stepped out into the warm afternoon air and took the old canoes out for a lap of the cemetary, only 6k but at least it was something. This morning I got up and did the pilates DVD, well as much as I could anyway, damn thing is still hard but I can't wait to see how it helps my running. At lunch time today I went out with a guy in my department for a 5k loop around Salisbury, it was only 33°C but I still look like I have stepped out of a shower now.
Tomorrow is the first day of the Adelaide Ashes test. yay. While today is the last day of MOVEMBER! I raised $95 for men's health. Thanks to all those that contributed, 2P, Ewen, SparkDriver, Rachel49.
I will sign off now, I am not sure if this post makes much sense so I might edit it later, when I have cooled down a bit.