Monday, October 02, 2006

Tralalalala its labour day

Well, labour day here in the good old S of A. After dropping Miss Simlin off at work at 9:30am I stopped off at pinky Flat to do a lap of the Torrens. The sun was out, the birds were singing...and of course there were people everywhere! Bikes, paddle boats, roller blades. After a few creaky strides it turned into a rather fast 7.3k loop averaging just under 6min/k. I wore my sunglasses for the first time while running, and although the reduced glare was good, I can see me getting a head ache from wearing them too long on anything of significant distance. All up a glorious day off, with a very relaxing stretching session under a tree on the river bank afterwards, now what to do with myself for the rest of the day. Cleaning the house no doubt. (I did the lawns yesterday!)


2P said...

Good use of the day off - I never use the sunnies as I always sweat all over them ;-)

blues buffett said...

We had a nice holiday here in Sydney too.
Congrats on the win in the tipping - I'm just please the result didn't go the way of last year.
Now, if only Carlton can do some decent recruiting...

Ewen said...

Our training pace is the same. I've decided 6min ks are quite good!

Hilda said...

The best is done in your free day the rest is just fine. Good boy!