Friday, October 27, 2006

Dress Like a Nerd

Struggled out of bed this morning for 6k in 36mins. It was a fight but once I felt the morning air gently pushing against my face as I set off, I knew I had made the right decision.

Now, today at work is dress like a nerd day, so I put on my normal get-up and headed in. Plus it looks like some-people might actually find my blog entertaining? What's the deal with that?

Edit: I wish people would stop saying that this outfit suits me :)


Lulu said...

LOL, great nerd outfit! Don't go out in public dressed like that though.

Simlin said...

Too late we are all going out to the pub for lunch.

2P said...

Is that a nerd outfit? Hmmm I'm starting to understand a little more why people look at me strange....

Nice 6k though ;-)

teacherwoman said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Nerd day sure beats casual day. What about run like a nerd? Thats me for sure. :)

Ellie80 said...

hehehe - noice! but i dunno - i think it sets off your eyes or something... :)

Ewen said...

The glasses are very trendy.

The back-pack story was a good one :)

Sekhmet said...

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe :-)


Simlin - you look HOT HOT HOT you devil you ;-)

Deb said...

Not sure about the attire're looking pretty comfortable with yourself! ;)

Very funny!

blues buffett said...

Cool look. Kind of like Buggles meet Bartender. Very early 80s...

Wardman said...

It's a bit scary how comfortable you look in those clothes! You can tell that deep down you kinda like it:)

Anonymous said...

Baha. My bestfriend dresses like this(:

(I not-so-secretly think that it's hot.)