Tuesday, October 03, 2006

fiddle dee dee

Felt like a bit of a lay in this morning and seeing as I have run the last two days, I felt only a 5k trot was in order...with a Corporate Cup dash scheduled for tomorrow lunch in 30 something degrees.
Shuffled rather stiffly through the first kilometer and then settled into a bit of rythm, the left knee was a little tender to start but soon warmed up and the only other niggle was the occasional jolt of pain on the top of my left foot? Maybe my shoes were too tight.
Anyway, after missing the last CC run it has now been 4 weeks since I ran 23 flat so I am looking for some big improvement...that is unless running 4 days in a row takes it toll along with the heat...eeek. I won't be too dissapointed if I don't improve but I will give it a good crack!

Edit: OK to formalise 2Ps sweep, the prize will go to the closest.
Prize: TBA

>23min flat
22:50 – 23:00
22:40 – 22:49 (2P 22:42)
22:30 – 22:39
22:20 – 22:29
22:10 – 22:19
22:00 – 22:09
<22min flat


2P said...

30 degrees? Well at least you wont need much of a warm up ;-)

I'll take 22.42 in the sweep.

Louise said...

>23min. Sorry - but that temperature is going to knock you about a bit. Pray for a cool change and prove me wrong. :-)