Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Let's get physical....physical

Got out on this fine All Halows' Eve to enjoy a lap of the cemetery. 6k in 36 mins. I attacked the hills from the start, so by half way around my legs felt a bit shakey.
Anyway, house hunting on Sunday went well and we are going to try and buy a place tonight in fact, well at least meet with the real estate agent and draw up an offer, how is this running related? Well, when buying a house you have to consider the running route possabilities and this one has it all. When I say it all it is 200m from my new favourite run, Dry Creek. that is a little closer than the 5k it presently takes me to get there.
Other news, after being a contractor for just shy of 2 years work are finally going to offer me a permanent role. Now how is this possibly running related? Well there was no running yesterday, instead I had to undergo occupational testing or whatever they call it. Basically it involved lifting pushing, bending, squeezing, pinching, blood pressure, hearing, eye sight, height, weight, dexterity.
This is the first kind of physical type exam I have ever had. The Results as I remember them:
I have a weak right grip, I have a stronger left pinch than right pinch (finger strength).
Height: 198cm
Weight: 115kg (classed as overweight)
BP: Normal
Resting HR: 70 bpm
All my strength is in my legs (lifting waist to knee) and my upper body strength is weak (lifting shoulders to head)
I have good fitness (first time on a treadmill, how do people stand it...though I was incredibly unsuited to the set up of the old one they had...ratings were good/satisfactory/poor)
hearing: a little anomaly at a higher frequency, though I think I heard more than I pressed the button, just coudn't tell if I was imagining it and didn't want to appear crazy.
Eyesight: 20/20, I must have stuffed up one of the letters in one of my eyes so not quite 20/15

Month in review:
165km in 17hrs16mins, second biggest month and starting to build some consistency after that mid year slump.
Year to Date:
1177km in 128hr07mins.

More statistics and possibly graphs later from Sportstracks.

Edit (much later):

This month
(last month)
Num of Activities 17 (16)
Ave Distance 9.72km (9.83km)
Ave Time 1:00:56 (1:01:58)
Pace 6:16 (6:18)

And the all important:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Will I, Won't I LSD

Set off this morning at 7am, or was it 8am...damn daylight saving. Didn't really feel like a long run when I was lying in bed so set of thinking about just doing a velodrome loop, alas after 1k I had plans of extending it just a bit down dry creek. When I got to Dry Creek I decided that I would finally go for an explore into the Stockade Botanical gardens. WHAT AN OASIS! I never new it existed right under my nose, there is a waterfall, nice grace, toilets, bubblers (which I would take advantage of later) I ran up and around the waterfall and out onto Dry Creek. I just went down to Walkley's Road and back today wanting to do about 18k. On the way back I stopped off at the bubler in the botanical gardens for a few gulps of water and then set off for the hill behind the belodrome. With the Black Hill Challange coming up I was looking for as many hills as possible, alas I think My brain was playing tricks on me because all the short hills I normally run up today just looked and felt like little lumps on the landscape (even after 18km). I fear I am going to crash and burn going up Black Hill next week, oh well you only live once. 18.3k in 2hrs today.
Now I am off to look at houses and maybe buy a beanbag to fall asleep in tonight.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Dress Like a Nerd

Struggled out of bed this morning for 6k in 36mins. It was a fight but once I felt the morning air gently pushing against my face as I set off, I knew I had made the right decision.

Now, today at work is dress like a nerd day, so I put on my normal get-up and headed in. Plus it looks like some-people might actually find my blog entertaining? What's the deal with that?

Edit: I wish people would stop saying that this outfit suits me :)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Run to Work

Last night I discovered I wouldn't have the car to go to work in this morning, and my normal ride was on the first plane to Melbourne, so I decided to run to work, oops, still had on my steel caps...they won't fit in my hydration pack even without the bladder.
Solution: I grapped an old backpack and an octopus strap to use as a chest strap, then I put about 5kg of stuff in it, clothes, steel caps, and food and set off. All was going well until about 2k when I felt it swinging around wildly...only to look back over my shoulder and find the pack almost completely undone, but luckily lunch etc was still perched there...miraculously! So after stopping, doing it back up and using my lanyard to clip the zips together I set back off again and was trouble free. Before stopping I had been feeling great and cruising, but after stopping it felt like a struggle to maintain an even pace. I am sure the extra weight on my back contributed to the struggle but I ended up making it to work for 12.5k in 80mins, including the couple of minutes fixing my bag.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Race Report - Race 4 Life

That's right people, I made it out of bed this morning to head down to Elder Park...and what a crowd, way more people than I was expecting, I'd estimate a couple of thousand. Registered and stood around in the sun soaking in the glorious day...and there was pink everywhere. Rundave came over to say hello and I also met CR Derwood after he noticed my cap. After a very uncoordinated (for me) mass warm up the walkers set off to the beat of some drums, and as I watched the long trail of walkers snaking off along the path around the Torren's I wondered if I would catch them at the 1k mark or 2k mark. 15mins passed and us 9kers lined up and were away, I coasted along in the crowd, not really having any other choice really and it was like that for a while, and then we caught the walkers. It was generally a single file line of runners on the right and the walkers on the left. I pity anyone coming the other way.
Still just cruising along there were quite a few people passing me at this stage, one pair who I heard talking behind me when we were single file said they finish C2B in 70mins, so they were my targets. I continued to cruise the first lap while they and many others got away from me. The first 4.5k lap was a tick over 26mins. Cruised for a little while longer, and then surprised to still feel good in the legs after yesterdays 18k I began to boog it a bit, I started reeling in people one after the other, catching my target with about 1k to go and stretched out my legs with some long strides home passing about 20 people in the last kilometer. Finished still feeling surprisingly good in 51 mins, so a 25 min second lap average pace of 5:40 (which is faster than my 10k PB). Couldn't stay around afterwards for a free breakfast etc...had some shopping to do.
Now for shopping, I spent $250 on work pants and shorts...It felt fantastic to try on clothes and then go, wow these don't fit very well, they are TOO large! Get me the size smaller! Henve the $250 spent, it was all the endorphins.
Then as 2P has his mow-the-lawn patented, I will patent the, help-on-a-building-site recovery...today i moved wood for frames stacked in one place to another place.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Non-Race CR sighting

Again No Blogging = No Running.
I have spent more time a work than at home since my last blog entry, so there has been no time for running or blogging. This morning as promised I met up with Lulu
for an hour easy tour of Adelaide's running hot spots. First I had to get there so I set of from home at a recovery pace (6:45ish). After 2k and with 2k to go, I thought I was going to be late so I booged it over the next 2 k at 5:20ish pace. Luckily I made it on time and Lulu was waiting patiently out the front of her Hotel in a CR singlet for me. We set off at 6:30 pace and first took in a bit of the Horse paddock, then crossed over melbourne street passed the Park 8 and 10 (no Buster sighting like Rundave) to the Torrens at Hackney road. We then ran down the North bank to the weir, crossed over and ran back to the footbridge on the south bank. From there we went straight up from road and through North Adelaide to her Hotel. It was probably the most pleasant run I have ever had...thanks Lulu. The weather was great, the company was great and judging by Garmy the Pace was the most consistant 6:30ish pace I have ever seen.
After saying goodbye, I set off for the 4k home and boy was that a tough little stretch, but here I am blogging about it so I guess I made it...all up today 18k in 1hr54min...now for te Race 4 Life tomorrow, I think I might enter in the 9k and just cruise around...depends how I pull up.

Edit: so after all it was a Non-race CR sighting, though I cheated and had it pre-arranged.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Corporate Cup - Run 6

Run 1 - 24mins36sec - 5:41 pace
Run 2 - 24mins30sec - 5:40 pace
Run 3 - 23mins01sec - 5:19 pace
Run 4 - DNS
Run 5 - 25min34sec - 5:52 pace
Run 6 - 22min30sec - 5:10 pace

No lunch straight before the run this week and cooler temperatures (22°C). The wind was half as strong as last time and a lot cooler. Got out of the metaphorical blocks fairly well with a 5:03 split mostly into the wind and then a 4:59 mostly with the wind. Came through for the lap at about 11:10 (10sec faster than last time). Second lap I slowed a bit to 5:10 pace and came home with a positive split (11:20). Coming up to the line I had slowed down for fear of the gurg, but renewed my efforts to make it across the line bang on 22:30. Right, my mission for the next fortnight before the final CC run is not to fade over the last lap and come home in a 20 second negative split to break 22mins! I don't think I have it in me, but I will certainly give it a crack even if it means the gurg...what I really need is someone to chase, it is not easy pacing yourself.

...says someone who says they were aiming for 22:30 and finished it in 22:30. HA!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

No blogging = No Running

That's right, after spouting off about determination blah blah blah, my motivation has hit one of those low points. I am used to this now but, is knowing that I will get my motivation back delaying the return or just easing the anguish? Lying in bed in the mornings thinking, should I get up or shouldn't I, nope I have no motivation...but it will return soon. How am I going to snap out of it with that attitude.
This morning I just made it out of bed, but a planned 9k turned into a planned 7k which eventuated as a 6k run. For added incentive I also ran a new route, which I will call the Cemetery loop (It is basically a lap of the cemetery). I think the turning point this morning was the prospect of a run on Saturday with Lulu and not being able to keep up.
Corporate Cup tomorrow, hopefully I have a fast one in me and the weather stays mild as forecast. I will be aiming for 22:30.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

House Spoiler

WARNING: If you love the TV show House, and you do not want to know what happens at the start of season three...DO NOT read the last paragraph. It contains a spoiler for the first episode of season 3.

Finally got in my velodrome loop this morning, I got up a little later than intended due to a reasonably late night out so by the end of the 11.5k loop I was a little hot to say the least. But that is ok, now that I am home, showered, fed and watered I am feeling great. I cruised around the velodrome loop at an easy pace coming home in 71.5 minutes.

Now, as for House, I watched the first episode of season 3 last night at a friends and it started with quite a funny, and relatable scene. For those who don't know (not those that ignored the warning above) House is a Doctor and had massive muscle death in his leg leading to cronic pain and limping etc. At the end of the second season they hinted at being able to cure it...so the start of the third season starts with House running to work.
Cuddy: Did you run to work?
House: Yep, all 6 miles.
Cuddy: It's been 16 weeks. You realise the standard recovery time for a gunshot wound to the abdomen is 8 weeks?
House: But after 8 weeks I could only run 3 miles...I never would have made it to work.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Shame Shame Shame.

I wasn't the not so little Aussie Battler this morning. I slept in. Last night went on a little longer than intended, out to dinner with work colleagues, so after a few bevies and then dinner it was late when I got to bed and the determination I had on Wednesday obviously evaporated quickly when I realised how tired my legs still felt. Perhaps I have not fully recovered from the weekends long run. Regardless my legs are still aching now and maybe a program of gentle cross training and stretching tonight will see me right for two medium length runs on the weekend.

Rundave asked
How much of a hassle was shifting to beta blogger? Did you lose/change anything?
Blogger Beta is now running quite smoothly with commenting finally sorted out. The extra funtionallity is cool too (including post labels) and customising is even easier with a GUI type arrangement. When changing you can revert to your old template or simply change to a beta template (to make use of new cusomising ability, widgets etc) which also allows you to view your old template code so you can copy and paste code into the new template.
Another feature which I have found useful is in the edit posts page you can now view posts (in a sort of preview pane below post title) which makes it easy to find the post you want to edit etc without opening up the blog to try and find it.
There may be some other fantastical things that are too advanced for me to know about, eg flicker accounts (whatever they are) and so on.
All up they seem to have ironed out all the problems and the new Blogger is great!

Edit: oh yeah, if you are logged in it is also easy to edit your blog without having to go through dashboard as you can edit a post/element on the page just by clicking the "edit post" or "edit element" button which appears on the blog (when you are logged in)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Trudging on

On waking this morning, I really didn't feel like getting up. My legs were tired, my brain was tired, in fact I don't know what possessed me to actually get up. Halfway through getting ready I was walking to the door and paused a minute, contemplating going back to bed, and yet again I dismissed it a little too easily. Once I was out of the door nothing improved, I trudged off. The only consession I made myself was to only do 9-10km and save the longer midweek run for friday. Today I was trying a new route into north adelaide and then around the horse paddock, so I didn't take my mp3 player either. Oh boy what a dreadful run, 300m up the road I had one of those...bugger this feelings where I almost stopped and turned back to go back to bed...yet I continued on. It was slow hard going and I finally trudged home 9.82km...then kept going to the end of the street to take Garmy up to 10k (why? after so much complaining?)...total time 1hr10mins.

...I am freaking myself out this morning, where on Earth did this insane determination come from? Luckily tomorrow is a rest day so my legs can rejuvinate...I wonder if I will feel like doing any cross training.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Racing the bus.

Set out this morning for a recovery 7k (as per my schedule :O) ), with some new tunes on the MP3 player, the time wizzed by. (I succumbed to buying them on the internet because on Saturday at Target, I saw the new release stand and there was at least 4 albums there I wanted, couldn't afford that, so I bought them on line.) Today it was Evenescence, Sunday it was Jet, and now it is The Killers and Scissor Sisters. Regardless it has become my habit of late (with miss Simlin catching a bus to work at 6:20ish that I get around to Main North Road, near the end of my run and I decide, I might just go pop a kiss on her cheek before she goes to work, but because of the lateness of my leaving home I have to bolt down Main North rd checking over my shoulder every 30 seconds to see if the bus is coming yet. Just beat it this morning, landed a kiss on the cheek as the bus pulled up but had to really motor over the last 50m.
Glad I didn't pull anything in the mad dash.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Further musing from a dull mind.

I was rummaging through my C2B bag last night to actually see what was in it and cam across the SARRC half price membership form. So I started to fill it in...that's right people I am finally joining a club! It's about time too really, also with the membership comes free entry to the Christmas Frolic fun run, so more money saved there too! Now all I have to do is get off my arse and send in the application.

We got a another turtle to keep Mr Fanta Pants (so named for the orange around his shell and in honour of gingered haired people) happy as he seems to be moping a bit after the loss of Squirt, Milly (definitely a girl as the breeder incubates at girl temperature) is a little larger than Squirt was and has a few eccentricities but Mr Pants and Her seem to be getting on fine, yay!

On the training front, the discovery of the new Dry creek and velodrome trails have made increasing the mileage easier. Last month was my second biggest month, only the month before my first half was bigger. My current training cycle spans over 2 weeks and is looking like this.

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 7k (recovery)
Wednesday - Velodrome route (11-12k) or run home from work (12.5km) (easy)
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 9k Reverse route (including long hill...tempo style)
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 9k-12k or Hills run (~6k) (relaxed)

Week 2
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 7k (recovery)
Wednesday - Corporate Cup 4.3k (race)
Thursday - Rest (or cross training)
Friday - Velodrome route (11-12km) (relaxed)
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Dry Creek Long Run (~20k) (LSD)

This will most likely be the training structure for the next month or so to the Black Hill Challenge because it seems to work and I have got into a good rhythm. My aim with this training regime is to meet my goals by simply getting fitter and being at a lower weight...I don't feel the need for speed sessions or hill repeats etc because it just takes too much out of me and puts too much pressure on the legs at the moment. With two more CC races to go over the next two fortnights, I feel that if I can crack 22min30 there, I will be a chance to crack my 25min 5k goal on 12 November (Sri Chinmoy). After that another 3 weeks to get the fitness up to have a go at 10k in 55mins for the SARRC Xmas Frolic on 3 Dec.

All up exciting times ahead, the other two events I will be entering are 22 October Run 4 Life 9k event and the Black Hill Challenge 12.5k on the 5 November.

OK time to end the drivel now.

"Do you want to come to the pants party?"

Starting with Friday night, I was desperate for a drink, so much so that I walked the 5k to the Lion Hotel to meet friends in 43mins dressed in jeans, a shirt and some pub/club friendly shoes. I was quite impressed with that effort and had a few celebratory drinks, won a few games of Darts...here I come London 2012!
No running Saturday.
On Sunday morning, out of sympathy for those competing at the Melbourne Marathon or HM, or just shear stupidity, I set off on a long run with the intention of running 20+kms. I took with me my hydration pack this time so there would be no excuses for turning back early. The weather was much milder than Saturday thankfully with low temperatures but blustery wind at times. This week I made it to the end of the Dry Creek section at Grand Junction Road (10.5k), Here I stopped for a minute or so, had a drink and did some stretching, before heading back toward Bridge Rd. Trip back was uneventful, but there was another bastard head wind going up behind the velodrome. Grrr. Made it home, via the undulating route (no wrong turn this time) for 21.5km in 2hr23 mins, which would make it my second longest run ever! (With the longest being 25k). I son't think I will try lengthening my long run at the moment, I am quite happy running around 20k and with no longer distances planned in the near future I think I will stick with it. As for the rest of the day...shopping. Just what I need, walking around Rundle Mall all afternoon.

Now as for the title of my last post, it is from a David Lynch movie "Mullholland Drive" and I would highly recommend it. And todays post title, something a little more comic.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Taking Miners lead, I have used a movie quote as my post title, If you can guess what movie it comes from you now know, along with Donnie Darco, one of my top five favourite movies. The haunting Spanish rendition of a Roy Orbison song in this movie is chilling.

Well anyway today, I ran the velodrome loop and felt pretty good too after Wednesday’s debacle. Coming home I was tossing up whether to turn left at the cemetery for an undulating last 3k or go straight ahead for a gentle downhill last 3k. I made up my mind early to take the undulating route but after tuning out and day dreaming, I found myself following a footpath veering away from home…where the hell am I? Took the next left and found my way to the cemetery, where I picked up the undulating route home. All up 11.8k in 71 minutes.
Wanted to run to work this morning for walk to work day, but I would have had to carry my steel caps with me and that would have been silly.

Now time to add to my list of 100 things, this is number 101 and is probably the stupidest thing I have ever done…reading Plu’s blog reminded me of it. Walking on a beach in Darwin (from Lee point to Casuarina beach) we got to the creek half way and the tide was right in and the creek was swollen. Instead of turning around and going back I jumped in and swam across, the v.large Deer Hound we were walking started to swim across too, but gave up half way and climbed onto my back to ride the rest of the way. Why is this stupid you may ask…ever heard of crocodiles? They pull over a hundred crocodiles out of Darwin harbour every year…no doubt I would have made the front page of the NT News.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

100 things

OK, so here it is. No laughing at my boring, goody two shoes life OK!

1. I was born in Bourke, NSW.

2. That’s right I am a New South Welshman by origin.

3. I have also lived in Warren, NSW, Carnamah, WA, Port Lincoln, SA, Palmerston, NT and Adelaide SA.

4. Never been overseas.

5. I have seen more than my fair share of the Australian Outback.

6. Was always a tubby kid.

7. In early primary school (living in Country WA) I won numerous medals for swimming at both school sports day and inter-school country carnivals.

8. I always won Butterfly and Backstroke, the same kid (best friend) always beat me at freestyle and breastroke.

9. Despite our swimming prowess, our school always got slaughtered at the inter-school country carnival athletics…we could swim, just not run.

10. After being in what could be termed a swimming squad with regular after school training etc (I lived across from the pool) we moved to Pt Lincoln and swimming training was at 6am a couple of ks away…bye bye swimming L

11. I have only once dived off a 10 metre platform. I did a pin drop.

12. Tip: when doing a pin drop from 10 metres ensure feet and legs are as close together as possible.

13. As a kid I only got grounded once. During which time I went to a birthday party.

14. I got grounded for splitting my brothers head open with a rock, which I propelled at him from quite a distance, so really it was quite a good grenade (throw).

15. I am the son of a preacher man…go Dusty.

16. My brother blames me for his inability to wrestle.

17. I am not a fighter, when we were kids I sat on him so we didn’t have to fight.

18. The one time I fought my brother, dad said take it outside, so we did…needless to say my brother ended up with a bleeding nose (I think it was over who got to sit in the bean bag?).

19. No one has ever tried to start a fight with me, probably due to a number of factors, I am large and imposing and some of the people I hung out with you really wouldn’t want to mess with…no one thankfully has ever worked out that I would most likely stand there and take it or run away.

20. I was the dux of my primary school.

21. I am into music, both making and listening.

22. Some instruments I have played seriously: Piano, Clarinet, Bassoon.

23. My favourite number.

24. Some instruments I have played but not so seriously: Saxaphone, Trumpet, guitar.

25. I have been in numerous bands at school, jazz ensembles etc and have therefore by association played with musicians such as James Morrison and Don Burrows.

26. Things related to music I have been payed for: Jazz background music, a few background piano gigs at dinners, weddings, teaching piano and I have also won a $300 composing and arranging competition.

27. The first CD I ever owned, Diesel - Hipfedelity….ouch (actually I have this on my mp3 player at the moment.)

28. The best I have ever done in a running event was 10th at a primary school cross country event

29. I have never stolen/borrowed a pig.

30. I am a shy person around new people.

31. I am overly friendly and inappropriate around people I know. (which must be why I like the internet so much ;) )

32. My first car was a Layland Mini.

33. To get into it I had to bend like a corkscrew.

34. I had it up on two wheels once going around a 90° turn at 100km/hr.

35. I have never been drunk to the point of vomiting.

36. I just get bored of drinking or spending the money.

37. I’ve always thought that I am just a control freak and afraid to let go.

38. I love Pasta.

39. I am sure I could easily eat a whole 500g packet of pasta cooked with a tasty sauce.

40. Was a very fussy eater as a kid.

41. never ate anything but meat unless it was with mashed potato.

42. Now I eat anything (I think it was due to college food)

43. I live with my Girlfriend.

44. We have 2 turtles named: Fanta Pants (a long neck) and Squirt (Murray River Short Neck)…edit: Squirt passed on last night. L

45. We have 2 frogs named: Frits and Beans.

46. I can’t stand doing anything wrong.

47. That includes breaking any rules or laws.

48. I never got detention, time-out or withdrawal at school.

49. I have only ever had two operations

50. once I had to go to the ER to remove a 1 inch tree spike from my head

51. I have also had ingrown toenail.

52. Patience is my biggest virtue.

53. I have to eat my favourite food first,

54. I can’t stand those that leave it till last…when it is cold and they are full.

55. Sometimes I drive like a grandma.

56. I ranked in the top 10 of the NT at the end of year 12…big whoop.

57. I always wanted to work in the pharmaceutical industry.

58. After 5 years at University, doing a bachelor of engineering (Chemical) and a bachelor of science (majoring in Organic Chem and Physical & Inorganic Chem) I came to the realisation (probably in second year) that a career in the Pharmaceutical industry was very unlikely.

59. After applying for a one line job advertised in the paper I landed my first job out of Uni…it just happened to be in the Pharmaceutical industry.

60. It’s funny how life turns out.

61. I Left home (Palmerston NT) when I was 17 to go to uni in Adelaide and stayed at Lincoln College.

62. Living in a residential college is a totally unique experience. (and would need another 100 things to explain why)

63. I have a younger brother and an older sister.

64. My favourite TV shows are House and the biggest loser.

65. I have made a conscious effort this year not to watch pointless TV shows and become a TV zombie.

66. It seems to be working, I get bored if I try and sit down and watch too much TV now.

67. I was once in a barbershop nonet - we were called The Flapping Sphincters - Enough said (though I could upload the video of our performance to youtube?)

68. I think running is now the most committed I have ever been to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

69. The Heaviest I have been was about 135kg.

70. I will be happy when I hit 100kg.

71. I have a freckle on my lower lip.

72. I practically lived as a vegetarian for the year 2002.

73. I go very red in the face when too much attention is placed on me.

74. I had the derogatory nickname Rudolf for a while in primary school.

75. I’m also a positive person and cling to the belief that everything works out in the end.

76. I have worked in childcare (vacation and afterschool care) - mostly my job was to run around like a silly bugger playing with all the boys outside.

77. I have worked for the NT government - mostly sorting core samples from that years drilling expeditions, they bagged a sample every 3 metres. We had to dry it and put it in a labelled vial to go to the core library.

78. My favourite movie genre is comedy.

79. I hate Horror movies, I just can’t see the point in watching something to get scared.

80. Everything else is ok and I don’t mind chick flicks…oops did I just type that out loud.

81. I like and appreciate all types of music, especially aussie rock.

82. My year of birth.

83. I love cooking.

84. I hate vomiting and can’t remember the last time I did.

85. When the last Olympics were on My brother and I had two TVs set up side by side, one with SBS and the other channel 7.

86. I have had my back naired once and my chest waxed once, I would not do either again.

87. Waxing hurts.

88. The best presents I have ever received are: Garmy, Runner’s World subscription and 2 tickets to Cirque de Soule.

89. I will be running my first marathon next year.

90. I love living in Adelaide (just a big country town) but can’t rule out a move interstate sometime in the future.

91. I have never been on A Current Affair

92. This list has taken me 3 days to compile.

93. I firmly believe that every situation can be related to either a Simpson’s Episode or a Seinfeld episode.

94. For the most part I am quite happy the way my life is turning out.

95. I really want to get back into swimming.

96. I am deathly afraid of going to a doctor and being told I need to have an operation; eg tonsils removed

97. As one of my yr 12 teachers famously said, I am a floater, I do enough to get the job done and no more.

98. I want to be one of those 70 year olds still out on the road running in fun runs

99. The penultimate thing

100. I am quite sure I will be bald and grey by the time I am 30.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Corporate Cup - Run 5

Yep did a PW.
Louise was right, it was over 23min...but there were extenuating circumstances...
What a surprise, some contractors turn up late and it doesn't look like I will be able to make it to CC again, I sneak in my post race pasta at 12:45. At 1 o'clock the contractors decide they are having lunch so I nip out down to the CC course and register 2 minutes before cut-off. The first lap was sensational, I was flying, feeling good. It was warm, overcast and very windy. My first lap was 11:20, on target for that 22:40 2P! and then it hit...the pre-race post-race pasta reared its ugly head as I had feared when I started and reduced me to a gut cramping crawl. There was no need to guts it out so I walked a bit around the back end of the course when it was clear my race was over, coming home with a wet sail in 25:34, a PW by far.
Time for some renewed vigour, get the training pumping and have a fair crack at 22mins next time I think.

...I am still feeling quite ill.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

fiddle dee dee

Felt like a bit of a lay in this morning and seeing as I have run the last two days, I felt only a 5k trot was in order...with a Corporate Cup dash scheduled for tomorrow lunch in 30 something degrees.
Shuffled rather stiffly through the first kilometer and then settled into a bit of rythm, the left knee was a little tender to start but soon warmed up and the only other niggle was the occasional jolt of pain on the top of my left foot? Maybe my shoes were too tight.
Anyway, after missing the last CC run it has now been 4 weeks since I ran 23 flat so I am looking for some big improvement...that is unless running 4 days in a row takes it toll along with the heat...eeek. I won't be too dissapointed if I don't improve but I will give it a good crack!

Edit: OK to formalise 2Ps sweep, the prize will go to the closest.
Prize: TBA

>23min flat
22:50 – 23:00
22:40 – 22:49 (2P 22:42)
22:30 – 22:39
22:20 – 22:29
22:10 – 22:19
22:00 – 22:09
<22min flat

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tralalalala its labour day

Well, labour day here in the good old S of A. After dropping Miss Simlin off at work at 9:30am I stopped off at pinky Flat to do a lap of the Torrens. The sun was out, the birds were singing...and of course there were people everywhere! Bikes, paddle boats, roller blades. After a few creaky strides it turned into a rather fast 7.3k loop averaging just under 6min/k. I wore my sunglasses for the first time while running, and although the reduced glare was good, I can see me getting a head ache from wearing them too long on anything of significant distance. All up a glorious day off, with a very relaxing stretching session under a tree on the river bank afterwards, now what to do with myself for the rest of the day. Cleaning the house no doubt. (I did the lawns yesterday!)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Oh What a Night!

Well, another heart pounding game, but I always had faith...we're talking about AFL grand final here, what else...THE EAGLES ARE THE 2006 PREMIERS! Needless to say, yesterday I drank waaaaaaaayyyyyyy too many pale ales and when it came time to go home we caught a ride which meant I had to get out of bed this morning and trot over there to pick it up so that we could be at an open house at 11am. The night before in an alcohol induced stupor I had judged the distance to be about 5-7k, and this morning, dry in the mouth from dehydration on a cloudy, humid morning of about 26°C I trotted the 6.3km in 39mins...not bad I thought! Must still be flying high...

Great start to October!