Monday, August 14, 2006

I snuck one in

It was a very busy weekend for me but I did manage to sneak a run in on Saturday morning, it was time to step up to my 9km course and I took it very easy, which meant the hills at the end weren't too tough. Slight aggravation of niggles both below my left knee and my right ITB meant I skipped a planned run on Sunday. Saturdays run was followed by half an hour of stretching and then icing and elevation. While in this position a friend rang and asked if I could help them move, so the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon were taken up with furniture removal before hitting the town.
Sunday was taken up by house work and open inspections of houses, haven't seen anything worthy yet, all too expensive or too run down, we are not too serious at this caper yet and I think it is about time to sit down and seperate our needs from our wants.
This morning I was planning to get up at 6am with Miss Simlin, but alas the mind was weak, instead I stayed in bed and watched Sunrise for an hour, oh well, either a 5k or 7k tonight, haven't decided yet. I want to do another 9k before the weekend because I am keen to get a 10k in on the weekend (The Adelaide running festival 10k on the 27th is looking a little too close for comfort).
This morning I finally got over my laziness and added some more bloggers to my bloglines watch out (if you are reading this) some random comments coming your way!

1 comment:

Ellie80 said...

nice work bud. but i have heard on the grapevine (just ask 2P) that moving furniture can be hazardous... just be careful! hope the niggles are responding well to stretching and icing :)