Friday, May 26, 2006


A touch over 5k this morning, it was a little warmer but discomfort in the bowel region meant that my run was cut short to about 5.2k in 33 mins. That's it. Nothing else to report except to say that I have been dissapointed with my efforts this month since the HM. Getting aclimatised to winter is taking longer that anticipated, taking a concerted effort to get out and about early in the morning. I did the evening runs for a week or two but that jsut messes with the hole dinner etc schedule.


Mandy said...

Not to worry, I have felt like screaming alot while I was a huge weight just lifted...well will wait until I see my final 4 marks!

Spark Driver said...

Keep it up. It is hard to find the motivation on those cold winter mornings.

Ellie80 said...

i know - mornings are hard hey?? but heaps better than having to do it after work. sigh. not long till summer...