Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dry Creek North East

Exploratory run today, travelling roads or trails in this case never before travelled. Headed east from Walkley's road along Dry Creek reserve. Missed the "fork in the road", but found a third one, I left the creek at the fork and instead followed an open grassy drain (of which I thought were only common in Darwin) parallel to McIntyre road. It was a long slow uphill run out in 7min/ks and a swifter return in 6.30min/kms. Was stopped by a guy on a pushbike looking for his dog...obviously it had run away last night during the electrical storm. I said I hadn't seen it and which way I had come from and he was off again in the opposite direction. Anyhoo I kept my eye out for his "big, brown dopey looking" dog all the way home. All up 12.5km, and only 300m along roadside footpath! woohoo! I could have stretched the run out further but 12k was enough for me today, maybe next time I will do the loop up to bridge road and McIntyre and back home...I will have to plot it on gmap-pedometer and see how far it is.

In other news...I am posting this from home! Yes after improvising (following numerous trips to numerous shops) a car CDMA/GSM antennae for my mobile wireless usb receiver thingy I now have excellent reception where I otherwise had none! Fan-bloody-tastic!

So as promised picture of the bling ring...


Sekhmet said...

Oooooh, pretty *green eyes*

I have been reading all about your G troubles....grrrrrrr unbelievable in this day and age

Happy NY Simlin - I look forward to following your progress in 2007 :)

Lulu said...

Happy new year Simlin and congratulations on the engagement. I hope you have a great 2007 and you achieve your running goals

Spark Driver said...

I have enjoyed following your progress in 2006 and look forward to more in the year ahead.