Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 review and an end to Big Expectations.

It all started back on 10th February...I ventured into the world of blogging. My goals back in the early day were simple. Personal goals were to get healthier, lighter and fitter while running goals were to complete the City to Bay in under 72mins and complete a half marathon. My big expectations was that running regularly could help me reach those goals.
February - Started the month training at less than 20km a week bought a Garmin.
March - Ordered a CR hat and decided on my first fun run and set my first HM to be in May. Pulled out of fun run, ran 20k for the first time, weighed in under 120kg for the first time. Suffered my first battle with demotivation after some personal issues.
April - two 10km fun runs in April one at the start of the month and one at the end, which was my first sub 60min 10k. This month also included my first trail run.
May - Successfuly completed my first HM! yay me and bought my first pair of serious running shoes.
June - New shoes cause ITB issues and I started to get frustrated by lack of motivation and running time due to injury. This month included my first run to work.
July - Admitted to myself that I had an ITB problem after a failure to run out a 15k fun run.
August - Bought a new pair of shoes...brooks beasts, and dissapointingly only ran the 10k run at the Adelaide Marathon Running Festival...it was a 10k PB though. Started Corporate cup with some mediocre performances.
September - The big one...completed the City to Bay in 69 mins, an 11min PB and well below my goal!
October - concentrated on shorter distances during the corporate cup and ran a 9k fun run. This month included my first training run with CR company!
November - Started doing a few Pilates and training for the year really started to wind down as personal goals started to fall into place.
December - Training in december was dismal to say the least, but on a personal note many goals were acheived.

So there it is a summary of the year, to be honest I found that whole excercise pointless. I started this blog with Big Expectations for my training and now, at the end of 2006 have those expectations been met?
Well yes, although I didn't achieve any of my time based goals distances, I did acheived my two big running goals, which was complete a HM and go better in the C2B than 2005. Even though this fills me with great joy, I am a little dissapointed that I only got to complete one HM and that I missed quite a few other fun runs I wanted to do.
On a fitter, healthier, thinner side, I am pleased with the way this is going (especially the thinner side) and feel a lot more confident in myself. I am dissapointed in my second half of the year performance as far as thinner goes as I seem to have stalled at about 115kg thanks to a rather ordinary diet.
Personally 2006 has been a great year and I have acheived many personal goals, leading up to my proposal to my now Fiance. I wanted a few things in place to stabalise my life before I committed to also support another person, with the big two being a permanent job and a house to call our own. All these things happened in a bit of a rush toward the end of 2006 and so life goes on and one can only look forward to 2007!
As to my Big Expectations, they have been met and as such, instead of giving my currnet blog a facelift for 2007, I will preserve it in blogger for as long as they wish to hold it, while I begin a new road to my 2007 goals in a new blog in wordpress.


Ellie80 said...

yay! what a year you've had! ups and downs and ups and downs. Good on for making your way through it in such style. And such good taste in diamonds :)

make sure you publish your wordpress address so we can keep heckling!

Lulu said...

You have achieved a lot in your first year of running and should be very satisfied with your progress. I'm sure you'll go from strength to strength in 2007.

Jason The Running Man said...

Great blog, found you off CRN. Good luck.