Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Miracle of Magnesium

Well, after some good advice I took a magnesium vitamin with a light dinner, then with the calf feeling better, headed out the door 90mins later after a particularly bad rain squall. Had a long sleeve body hugging top on under my white t-shirt and for some reason this gave me the euphoria that I was actually a real athlete. As a consequence the first couple of k's were more of a medium run no matter how hard I tried to make them easy. Luckily I had totally changed up my mp3 play list and had a classic 90s album (No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom) on, the song Sunday Morning is definately a song to lift the tempo and pump up the legs, it was much needed as I faded up the slopes of the last couple of kilometers, in the end I put in a concerted effort to clock up a sub 5:30min/km split up the last gentle slope before jogging the last couple of hundred metres downhill to my house to warm down.
Might start taking these little magnesium pills on runnning days and also might regret the non-easy pace of tonights 10k in the morning when I head out for another.


Mandy said...

okay, you are so not in my running club anymore, you are getting too fast!!

Unknown said...

s'good stuff innit!