Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dreaded Leg Cramp

Well, the dreaded calf leg cramp in the middle of the night struck me again last night. Not so frightening for me, but when you share a bed with someone and wake up basically screaming, I imagine that is quite frightening. Any way after that happened I reset my alarm for 7:30am as I knew my leg would be too sore to run the 10k this morning (from experience) How common is this sleeping cramp and what causes it? I don't know but my leg is sure sore this morning and I have been doing a few stretches to try and get it right for another evening run...not after a big dinner though. Will post again after that.


Unknown said...

Had the same problem Simlin. Awful isn't it! Magnesium works a treat. I just got the Blackmores stuff. I know others who have had good results with Magnesium too. If it happens during a run a bit of sports drink containing magnesium works wonders. All the best

Mandy said...

I use to have crazy cramps in my quads when I was bodybuilding. I really never found anything that worked and eventually they just disappeared.

2P said...

What Owly said - I use the Blackmores complex one - it's a bit of a horse tablet but well worth it ;-)

The old people say Quinine is good for night cramps too.

Spark Driver said...

I do get leg cramps from time to time. Nothing too severe as I can normally stretch them out. Good luck with this one.