Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easy does it.

An easy 10k run this morning, was zoned out for the first 5k with the
MP3 player on (this was my mistake last time, went out without it!) then
the battery died and the last 5k were spent contemplating what running I
was going to do for the rest of the week. Finished the 10k at an
average pace of just under 7min/k. so 1hr10mins. Which reminds me, I
actually saw an official finish time on the SARRC website for my 10k two
weeks ago, it was a bit surreal seeing my name there with an official
finishing time of 1:02:19. Can't remember what I timed myself. Was
hoping to go under 60mins but can live knowing that next time I will
break it.
Now to completely change tack, I pulled up a little sore yesterday with
a niggle above my left knee, todays easy run verdict - No niggle to
speak of. Didn't hurt going uphill, didn't hurt going downhill, in fact
it was a pain free run, even the dreaded nipple chaffing was not so bad
this morning. Verdict - Keep running hills conservatively until I build
some more strength and stability in the crucial areas.
Planning an Easter weekend trip to Mildura, so finally some flat running
may be had, at the moment planning a 10k Friday run and a 21ish long run
on Sunday but will have to see how the socialising goes and if I can
keep up with Rachel49!


Rachel said...

21k? I won't be joining you on that one, maybe just half way :)

Spark Driver said...

Sounds good that your running is working out for you.

Well done and have a good Easter.