Thursday, February 23, 2006

Increasing the "Time on Feet"

As promised to myself on a earlier post, I increased my morning run to 5kms. It was five kms of easy running and my legs felt so heavy towards the end that I didn't even have the urge to go for home faster.

I know that I am well and truly addicted to running now because I am getting picked up for work tomorrow morning at 6am (someone rear ended my car :O{, plus I have Soooooo much work to do.) and I really want to get up at 5am to go for my planned short friday run. I think I am afraid that if I let myself miss one planned run, it will make it ok to do it all the time.


Aki said...

Hey Simlin, you've been progressing well. Like everyone else said, don't go for a pb everytime you run, one of my greatest mistakes last year! Run on an unmeasured route sometime and just go with how you feel, you'll find yourself enjoying it more and your race times won't drop because of it.

Good on you!

Spark Driver said...

I find if I miss one it makes me more determinded to get one back later.
Keep it up!