Friday, February 10, 2006

Here's to Beginnings

After years of trying in fits and starts I have finally got 5 months of reasonably consistent running (when I say "running", you know I mean Jogging).

It started back one fatefull day in 2005 when someone at work started talking up a race in the city to bay (adelaide). A lot of beer was bantered about. What eventuated was a determined goal of completing the bets eventuated. Two months later of too much training (achilles was really sore) I ran the complete 12 kms in 80.5mins.

Now I have a new goal... go better this year.

Goals to achieve this year.
Get Fitter.
Get Healthier.
Get Lighter. (currently 125kg, lost 5 kg since I started running but still haven't got a handle on that healthy eating lifestyle)
Complete the City to Bay in under 72mins.
Lofty Goal...complete a half marathon.

Current Status. Dropped the K's and had a rest post City to Bay to get over lower leg pain... gradully building back up. Target of 20k per week increasing to 25 over the next couple of weeks.

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