Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Start of Something Good!

I don't know if it was the 14km run or the iceskating on sunday but my calfs took a bit of warming up today. It obviously didn't help that it was the coldest morning this year. However I still managed a relatively easy average pace of just under 6min/k. Now analysing my splits (Using that new garmin) I can see that I started out with a 6'50" kilometer and got progressively faster. This is mostly likely due to the first k being uphill the second relatively flat and the last 2 downhill!

Anyway looking back at a month that was I have achieved my goal that I set for myself last year. Back then I was doing the same number of runs but only 2-3 km each during the week and a 4 km run on the weekend. This month I have been trying (and achieved!) 2 x 4-5 km runs + 2.2 km run during the week and a long run on the weekend started at 7.5k and increased to 14 k on Sunday. oh, I almost forgot 40mins crosstraining on the exercise bike on Wednesdays.

My weight, not that I am serious about it because I still eat some stupid things, but since I started running last year I am down about 8kg and those two shirts that I didn't fit around the beer belly...I tried them on yesterday and they almost were a perfect fit, though a few more centimetres wouldn't hurt!

They say it takes 21 days of doing "stuff" for it to become a routine (or break a habit)...hopefully this month leads to the start of something good!

February: 85km

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Freedom

When you like numbers, The Garmin is great. I went on a long run today (14km yay me!) on a totally unplanned route (except for start and destination). I knew roughly how far it was by using google earth measuring tool, but just being able to choose a route on the fly and still have the distance travelled was awesome.

I must say the software SportsTracks was awesome too, just downloaded the running session and then BAM! up comes the satellite image with the exact route. Talk about spiffy technology. I am not sure that analysing km splits or pacing is going to improve my running (I am not a serious competitor) but it is just interesting to look at.

The pace alert was food too, I set it on 5.30 min/km so that I didn't go too fast, and a couple of times I hit it and went woah, slow down there speedy! or you won't make it home.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Bring on the Technology

It's Finally Arrived...when I say finally I wasn't expecting it so soon...my Forerunner. Oh Yeah... I can't wait to get out tomorrow (It is currently raining) and test it out on my long run.

That aside, I managed to get up at 5am this morning and go for a brisk jog around a 2.2km route. It was only 24 degrees. I am glad I was not running further. All things considered I think I put quite an effort in this week considering some long working hours. Hopefully I can keep it up into March too!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Increasing the "Time on Feet"

As promised to myself on a earlier post, I increased my morning run to 5kms. It was five kms of easy running and my legs felt so heavy towards the end that I didn't even have the urge to go for home faster.

I know that I am well and truly addicted to running now because I am getting picked up for work tomorrow morning at 6am (someone rear ended my car :O{, plus I have Soooooo much work to do.) and I really want to get up at 5am to go for my planned short friday run. I think I am afraid that if I let myself miss one planned run, it will make it ok to do it all the time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Too Hard

Had to get up extra early this morning to go for a run because work has been hectic and I was starting early again. So five thirty rolled around and I woke up before the alarm (which I am sure my partner appreciates as the screech is enough to send anyone insane). Got out on the footpath and started out a little faster than I originally anticipated, helped along by a reasonably fast tune on the old mp3 player.
Decided then that work had been so stressful, I was just going to run it all out onto the footpath and went for a PB. Lost a little legs over the last k of 4. but still came home in a PB, but didn't quite break through the 23 min barrier, maybe next week, I think I will extend my scheduled run on thursday to 5k.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Are long runs really worth it?

Long run day today. Wanted to increase the distance from last week but not go to far too early in what some might call the building stage. I ended up running just over 10 kms, about a km more than last week but much slower, my legs were a little sore and stiff and I started out with two 7min kms up hill. So are long runs really worth it? Well if you are going by the smile I always have on a warm down lap of the block after a successful run then yes...because they make you feel GREAT!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Progress Day

Just went for a quick 2.2k run this morning, I like doing this every week to see how fast I can go. It helps me feel like I am improving, though it may not really be doing me any good. It works though, I went out really hard so couldn't bring it home very well but still managed a pb over this distance with a my first sub 12min run. Now if I could only get that down to 10 I would be happy. Can't wait for a long run this weekend, so much stress to pound out on the footpath.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Set out this morning for an easy 4k run. It was easy (even though I caved and cranked it up a bit over the last kilometer) and though the plan was to go slow, looking down at the watch at the end and seeing 26'30" was hard and a little dissapointing.

Recieved my camelbakstyle "Hydration" backback today...excitement. Don't know how I'll go actually wearing it on a run. Seems a little over commited to me and being a little self concious its hard not to think that people are thinking "Who is he kidding, overweight try hard". Might go down to the Torren's for a run, at least the people you see there are into the same thing and are more likely to think "Damn it must look really lame walking while he is running."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gadget Heaven

Those long runs definately help with speed over the shorter distances! I was itching to get out running from about lunch time on Monday but wanted to recover properly and not do too much too soon. Tuesday morning was a different story though, I had to hold back over the first half of the run because my legs wanted to go so much faster. Still ran the route 30 secs faster than last week!

Caught the gadget bug... I had too buy a forerunner 201..only because I couldn't afford, or justify, a new 205. :O( Now I have to wait the 28 days for shipping. Also bought a camelbak for those longer runs which hopefully I will be doing soon.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Just a Little Under

With A big night planned for tonight I did my "long run" run this morning. I didn't quite make the 20km for the week, the "Long run" I had planned turned out to only be 9km not 10. Felt all right and pace was up a bit on last week. The hills on the home stretched almost floored me, on a less motivated day I would have been walking.

Sore one other jogger this morning, he didn't look up for an aknowledging nod, is that poor form? He was on the other side of the road. I don't think I quite look the part of a serious jogger yet. My clothes aren't sporty enough and my build/weight certainly gives off the wrong impression.

Think I will stick to the same routine next week and see if my pace improves after another successful "long run"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Here's to Beginnings

After years of trying in fits and starts I have finally got 5 months of reasonably consistent running (when I say "running", you know I mean Jogging).

It started back one fatefull day in 2005 when someone at work started talking up a race in the city to bay (adelaide). A lot of beer was bantered about. What eventuated was a determined goal of completing the run...no bets eventuated. Two months later of too much training (achilles was really sore) I ran the complete 12 kms in 80.5mins.

Now I have a new goal... go better this year.

Goals to achieve this year.
Get Fitter.
Get Healthier.
Get Lighter. (currently 125kg, lost 5 kg since I started running but still haven't got a handle on that healthy eating lifestyle)
Complete the City to Bay in under 72mins.
Lofty Goal...complete a half marathon.

Current Status. Dropped the K's and had a rest post City to Bay to get over lower leg pain... gradully building back up. Target of 20k per week increasing to 25 over the next couple of weeks.